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Keto Sauerkraut Borsch Potluck

459 kcal
15 minutes
459 kcal
15 minutes


  • Preheat the oven to 410 F, wash beets and layer them on a tin, bake beet for 1h15min and let cool.
  • Cut beef into cubes and place them in a large pot, pour in the stock, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 hours.
  • Slice onions, carrots and peeled baked beets into julienne. Chop garlic and mix it with herbs.
  • Sweat onions and carrots in a skillet with olive oil at medium-low until golden and soft, add tomato paste and cook for another 5 minutes tossing occasionally.
  • Add beets and butter, once butter melts stir the mixture well, add salt and lemon juice.
  • Add black peppercorns and keep cooking and stirring with beets for another 3-5 minutes to enhance the color and flavor.
  • Add sauerkraut to the stock and bring it to a boil, add beet mixture to the pot, bring to a boil and simmer for 2 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and add garlic with herbs, do not mix or cover for 15 minutes to save color and let flavor distribute.
  • Serve with fresh herbs and yogurt.
This is a recipe by
Kirill Olkhovsky
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